Welcome to my rant page
// (:

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Things that I wanted to tell you but couldn't:-

  1. I had a hard time at work yesterday. My senior was being selfish by not helping my colleagues and I pack stuffs. I had to sort out all the drawings by myself yesterday.

  2. I was still a little down from Saturday mainly because I think I'm not doing enough to make you happy.

  3. Also I keep overthinking about things like, I don't give good encouragement, I can't help you with your work stress and most importantly, I don't think I can turn you on. I feel sad about it. I know making out is something that you really want to do. I also know sitting on your lap and giving you hugs won't be sufficient. 

  4. I actually waited till 10pm hoping we can call but in the end you called your friend instead. It's okay. I can't give you the help you needed anyway.

  5. I'm lost too. Idk what to say when you tell me about your work stuff. I know the things I say won't help or ease your burden. I just feel helpless that I can't do anything. 

  6. There's so many things I wanna tell you but it all seems so little and pointless to tell you when you're having a hard time. Things like
    - I left work on time today
    - Besto brewed me kombucha
    - We might have sake night on Wednesday and coffee run on Thursday
    - My designer texted me today
    - I had pan mee 
    - I brought the sanitizer you gave me to office

  7.  I know you're having a hard time at work but I hope you realize that I'm not doing too good myself too. I'm crumbling inside. Idk to tell you or just pretend everything is okay. I guess I'm gonna continue to put on a brave face (:
You just texted me again. 'I feel demotivated.' I feel demotivated too but I replied with a somewhat positive message.

I wonder when will you realize that I'm not okay too?